Structure & navigating this site


1) Restore Breath - The varied and exploratory breath sessions (20 minutes) are all saved together and listed in date order. These are generally relaxing and give you an insight into the workings of your respiratory system. These are based on a wide range of influences including Oxygen Advantage, SOMA, voice coaching, yoga, freediving, Pilates etc...

2) SOMA Healing - Restorative and gentle guided meditations for folk who have health problems that means the stronger breath practices aren't accessible. Suitable for all.

3) SOMA Energised Meditation - A transformative 1 hour class which features physical warm-up, chanting, rhythmic breathing and breath retentions. This is the signature SOMA class and features uplifting music and affirming quotes.

4) Bonuses - Exclusive access to free and discounted courses, and yoga classes to complement your breathwork.


I hope you find this platform easy to navigate. Depending on whether you are on a desktop, or using the iOS app, the screen may differ. If you can't see your full curriculum to the left, you may click on the 'list' icon to bring it to view.

If you want to work in lecture order then clicking 'Complete & continue' at the top of each page will take you to the next lecture.

However, I there are appendices you may wish to dip in and out of during the course.

For student guides see here for any problems logging in, navigating or billing.

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